Kouji Ogata

Kouji Ogata

Kouji Ogata has written at least 12 books. Their most popular book is Boogiepop And Others with 10 saves with an average rating of 4.1⭐.


5 primary books


Boogiepop is a 5-book series with 5 primary works first released in 1998 with contributions by Kouhei Kadono, Kōhei Kadono, and Kouji Ogata.


2 primary books

Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh

Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh is a 2-book series with 2 primary works first released in 2006 with contributions by Kouji Ogata.

Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh, Vol. 1
Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh, Vol. 2