A Coney Island of the Mind
4.33 5 reads Roman Poems
Pier Paolo Pasolini Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Translator) 4 1 read 0 0 reads 5 1 read Ferlinghetti's Greatest Poems
0 0 reads Pictures of the gone world
0 0 reads 4 1 read Her
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Vincent McHugh (Translator) 4 1 read The Portable Sixties Reader
0 0 reads Gregory Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg
Gregory Corso Lawrence Ferlinghetti Allen Ginsberg 0 0 reads Kerouac and Co. : beat city blues
Jack Kerouac Gregory Corso Diane di Prima Lawrence Ferlinghetti Amiri Baraka Denise Levertov Frank O'Hara Luca Scarlini 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 1 read The Beat Generation in San Francisco: A Literary Tour
0 0 reads The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia
0 0 reads Howl on trial : the battle for free expression
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads How to Paint Sunlight: Lyric Poems & Others
0 0 reads The Secret Meaning of Things: Poetry
3 1 read A far rockaway of the heart
0 0 reads Velocity
John Cooper Clarke Michael Horowitz Lawrence Ferlinghetti 0 0 reads Beat City Blues
Jack Kerouac Gregory Corso Diane di Prima Lawrence Ferlinghetti Amiri Baraka Denise Levertov Frank O'Hara 0 0 reads I greet you at the beginning of a great career
0 0 reads City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology
Rafael Alberti Nicolás Guillén Pablo Neruda Federico García Lorca Antonio Machado Kenneth Patchen Allen Ginsberg Marie Ponsot Denise Levertov William Carlos Williams Gregory Corso Jacques Prévert Robert Duncan Paul Celan Helmut Heißenbüttel Walter Höllerer Heinz Piontek Günter Grass Hans Magnus Enzensberger Nicanor Parra Robert Nichols Andrei Voznesensky Yevgeny Yevtushenko Semyon Kirsanov Malcolm Lowry Frank O'Hara Philip Lamantia Bob Kaufman Janine Pommy-Vega Charles Upton Pablo Picasso Robert Bly 0 0 reads