Mabel Leigh Hunt

Mabel Leigh Hunt

Mabel Leigh Hunt has written at least 4 books. Their most popular book is Ladycake Farm with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Mabel Leigh Hunt born in Coatesville, Indiana, and raised in Greencastle. At age ten she moved with her parents the Quaker settlement of Plainfield, Indiana. When her father died, she moved with her mother to Indianapolis. In 1910 she attended DePauw University in Greencastle. In 1923 she wet to Western University Library School in Cleveland. In 1926 she became a librarian at the Indianapolis Public Library. In 1934 she published her first book, Lucinda, A Little Girl of 1860. In 1938 she left became a full-time writer. Two of her books, Have You Seen Tom Thumb? and Better Known as Johnny Appleseed, were Newbery Honor books.

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