Mary Botham Howitt

Mary Botham Howitt

Mary Botham Howitt has written at least 8 books. Their most popular book is The Spider And The Fly with 4 saves with an average rating of 4.5⭐.

The Spider And The Fly

The Spider And The Fly
ByMary Botham Howitt

2002 • 4 Readers 4.5

Cover 5

The Spider and the Fly
ByMary Botham Howitt

2002 • 1 Reader • 40 pages 3

The Heir of Wast-Wayland

The Heir of Wast-Wayland
ByMary Botham Howitt

1851 • 252 pages

Our cousins in Ohio

Our cousins in Ohio
ByMary Botham Howitt

My Uncle the Clockmaker

My Uncle the Clockmaker
ByMary Botham Howitt

1844 • 196 pages

L'araignée et la mouche

L'araignée et la mouche
ByMary Botham Howitt