Michelle Jabès Corpora

Michelle Jabès Corpora

Michelle Jabès Corpora has written at least 3 books. Their most popular book is Holly Horror #1 with 14 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Young Adult Fiction and Young Adult.

Author Bio

"I've always wanted to be a writer, probably since the age of six. I spent most of my childhood years writing stories about mermaids in peril, ducks from space, and fan fiction where a girl resembling myself got to meet Agent Fox Mulder of the X-Files. After receiving my Bachelor's Degree in English and Theatre from UMBC, I went on to earn a Master's degree in Children's Literature from Hollins University. After that, I did some weird stuff. I was a wedding singer for a while. I also worked with animals in a vet's office, and at a wildlife rehabilitation center. Eventually, I moved to New York and worked as an assistant editor at Greenwillow Books, and then a concept creator for a well-known book All of these serendipitous events eventually led me to the #authorlife. Looking back, all those detours were exactly what I needed, because to be a writer, it's important to have some weird stuff to write about.

Before I wrote books with my name on the cover, I was a ghostwriter for a world-famous middle-grade mystery series. I wrote my first five novels in that series, and enjoyed every minute of it. It was an honor to be a part of a legacy that is cherished by so many.

When I'm not writing and editing books, you can usually find me at Crazy 88 MMA, training in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Competing at tournaments and being promoted to blue belt in BJJ were some of the proudest moments of my life. Some people may see videos of me rolling around on the floor and fighting my friends and think that I'm crazy. I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of this statement.

I live in Frederick, Maryland with my dear husband, my two wonderful daughters, two guinea pigs named Fireball and Olive, and a very old cat named Callie.

Thanks for visiting me. "

- From https://www.michellejcorpora.com/about