Patricia A. McKillip

Patricia A. McKillip

Patricia A. McKillip has written at least 78 books. Their most popular book is The Riddle-Master of Hed with 64 saves with an average rating of 3.74⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fantasy, Young Adult, and Adventure.

mysterious, Adventurous, and reflective are their most common moods.

Author Bio

Patricia Anne McKillip is an American author of fantasy and science fiction novels. She grew up in Oregon and England. She received a BA in English in 1971 and an MA in 1973. She is a past winner of the World Fantasy Award and Locus Award, and she lives in Oregon.

McKillip's stories usually take place in a setting similar to the Middle Ages. There are forests, castles, and lords or kings, minstrels, tinkers and wizards. Her writing usually puts her characters in situations involving mysterious powers that they don't understand.