Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor has written at least 9 books. Their most popular book is A Summons to Memphis with 14 saves with an average rating of 2⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genre Classics.

Author Bio

**Peter Taylor’s** poems have been published internationally in Anansesem, Anatomy & Etymology, Apercus Quarterly, Call & Response, The Caterpillar Chronicles, Contemporary Verse 2, Copaiba Literary Review, The Copperfield Review, Fade Poetry Journal, Frostwriting, The Glass Coin, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Nether, Petrichor Review, Phantom Kangaroo, Pirene’s Fountain, StepAway Magazine, and Sz, and have been anthologized in We Stand on Guard and The Best of Grain. He has published three books: Trainer, a mosaic of poems based on his father’s experience as a pilot during the Second World War, was published by The Paget Press, The Masons by the Gryphon Press, and Aphorisms by the Adela Press. Antietam, his experimental verse play on the American Civil War, won honorable mention in the 2010 War Poetry Contest in Northampton, Massachusetts. Peter Taylor lives in Aurora, Canada.