Philip Steele

Philip Steele

Philip Steele has written at least 79 books. Their most popular book is Ancient Egyptians with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Young Adult and Insects.

Author Bio

Philip Nicholas Steele is an author, chiefly of children's non-fiction. Steele was born in Dorking, Surrey, England. He attended Felsted School and University College, Durham, graduating in Modern Languages in 1971. In the 1970s he worked as an editor for various book publishers in London including Hodder and Hamlyn. He has written on a wide range of topics, especially in the fields of history, junior biography, peoples and cultures. Many of his books are illustrated international co-editions, published in various languages, while others are aimed more specifically at the British market. Philip Steele has also written adult books dealing with the history and landscape of North Wales. Source: wikipedia