Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories
3.2 16 reads Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural
0 1 read Gothic Short Stories
Ambrose Bierce M.R. James Charlotte Perkins Gilman Ralph Adams Cram S. Carleton Mary E. Wilkins Freeman Richard Barham Middleton E.F. Benson Nathan Drake Charles Maturin Edgar Allan Poe Charles Dickens J. Sheridan Le Fanu Nathaniel Hawthorne Elizabeth Gaskell Robert Louis Stevenson Walter Scott 3 1 read 0 0 reads Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Roald Dahl Reader's Digest Association C.S. Forester Shirley Jackson Arthur Conan Doyle Edgar Allan Poe Truman Capote Guy de Maupassant John Russell Algernon Blackwood John Collier G. K. Chesterton Alfred Noyes M. R. James Ray Bradbury Leslie Charteris Lord Dunsany Ellery Queen Ambrose Bierce Daphne Du Maurier Thomas Burke Robert Barr John Dickson Carr André Maurois Richard Barham Middleton Cornell Woolrich Gilbert Highet A.M. Burrage Ian Fleming Gertrude Atherton Carl Stephenson W. W. Jacobs George Hitchcock William Hope Hodgson Ross McDonald Rudyard Kipling Georges Simenon Robert Bloch Stanley Ellin H. G. Wells Eric Stanley Gardner Saki Arthur C. Clarke Agatha Christie Evelyn Waugh H. P. Lovecraft 0 0 reads Felices pesadillas: Los mejores relatos de terror aparecidos en Valdemar, 1987-2003
Charles Nodier Wilkie Collins Claude Vignon Ambrose Bierce Bram Stoker Guy de Maupassant Robert Louis Stevenson F. Marion Crawford Washington Irving Arthur Conan Doyle M.R. James W.W. Jacobs Arthur Quiller-Couch Arthur Machen Rudyard Kipling W.B. Yeats H. G. Wells E.F. Benson Honoré de Balzac William Hope Hodgson Horacio Quiroga Richard Barham Middleton Henry S. Whitehead Franz Kafka Robert E. Howard Richard Matheson Pilar Pedraza Alexandre Dumas Nathaniel Hawthorne Edgar Allan Poe Théophile Gautier Charles Dickens J. Sheridan Le Fanu Fitz-James O'Brien Hugh Harvey Saki H. P. Lovecraft 0 0 reads 0 0 reads