Richard Harland

Richard Harland

Richard Harland has written at least 9 books. Their most popular book is Worldshaker with 8 saves with an average rating of 3.5⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fantasy, Young Adult, and Fiction.


1 released book

Authored 100% of series

The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror

The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror is a 1-book series first released in 2012 with contributions by Sara Douglass, Felicity Dowker, and 31 others.

The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series


Worldshaker is a 1-book series first released in 2011 with contributions by Richard Harland.



1 primary book2 released books

Authored 33% of series


Dreaming is a 3-book series with 1 primary work first released in 2008 with contributions by Nina Cordoba, Paul Brandon, and 19 others.

Not Dreaming of You
Dreaming Again
Dreaming in the Dark


1 released book

Authored 0% of series

Year's Best Fantasy

Year's Best Fantasy is a 1-book series first released in 2009 .

Year's Best Fantasy #9