Robin Sinclair

Robin Sinclair

Robin Sinclair has written at least 1 book. Their most popular book is Letters to My Lover From Behind Asylum Walls with 0 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Robin Sinclair (they/them) is a queer, genderqueer writer of mixed heritage and mixed emotions. When not isolated due to a pandemic, they live on the road, traveling to readings, meeting people, and sharing stories. Robin joyfully performs at open mics, book stores, as a feature, at libraries, in bars, coffee shops, basements, in alleyways, cemeteries, closets, or anywhere else poetry can happen. And poetry happens everywhere.

Their debut book of poetry, ***Letters To My Lover From Behind Asylum Walls***, was released by Cosmographia Books in 2018 and was supported by the Farewell, Valentine book tour. A full length of missive poetry, it discusses themes of self and gender identity, memory, and abuse through the lens of mental illness.

Robin's chapbook, ***Jeanette Killed Her Husband (And Buried Him Off of Shades of Death Road)***, is a 2020 Ghost City Press Summer Series selection. A micro-chap of narrative poetry, this cohesive collection discusses themes of revenge, causality, and local folklore.

Robin's work has been published in various magazines and journals, including Across the Margin, Shot Glass Journal, Trampset, The Cerurove, Yes Poetry, and Pidgeonholes.

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Robin Sinclair Website