Heads and Tales: The Other Side of the Story
- Rudy Alleyne
- Darius Bearguard
- Danai Christopoulou
- Chris Durston
- Renée Gendron
- Perseus Greenman
- Mickey Hadick
- Dewi Hargreaves
- A.R.K. Horton
- Debbie Iancu-Haddad
- Mara Lynn Johnstone
- Anna Klapdor
- D.S. Levey
- Peter J. Linton
- Pan D. MacCauley
- Nikki Mitchell
- A. Poland
- Craig Rathbone
- David Simon
- Sean Southerland-Kirby
- C.D. Storiz
- Imelda Taylor
- C. Vandyke
- Alex Woodroe