The Confessions of St. Augustine - Augustinus (Sfântul)
- Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
- St. Augustine
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The Works of Saint Augustine: v. 1. Sermons on the Old Testament, 20-50 - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
The First Catechetical Instruction - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
The Confessions of Saint Augustine - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
Regvła S. Avgvstina ... y Constitvcie Siostr wtorego Habitu, Zakonu Kaznodźeiow. Przełożone na Polskie przez F[ratrem] N[icolaum]M[oscicensem] Ord. Præd. ... G.L. - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
Expositions on the Book of Psalms: Psalms 126-150 - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
Expositions on the Book of Psalms ... Translated, with Notes and Indices [by J. Tweed, T. Scratton, H. M. Wilkins and Others]. - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
Confessions - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
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Expositions of the Psalms 1-32 - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
- John E. Rotelle
| 0 reads |
The Lord's Sermon on the Mount - Augustin ((saint ;)
- Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
La ciudad de Dios: Libros 1-2 - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
The City of God - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
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Augustine in His Own Words - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
St. Augustine on the Psalms - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
Augustine: The City of God Against the Pagans - Agustín (Santo, Obispo de Hipona)
- Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
- Augustine
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Select anti-Pelagian treatises of St. Augustine - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
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The Greatness of the Soul. The Teacher - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
| 0 reads |
| 0 reads |
On Order - Saint Augustine (of Hippo)
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