4.43 Sappho
Sappho Mary Barnard (Translator) 3.86 If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho
4 Come Close
Sappho Aaron Poochigian (Translator) 4 Poems and Fragments
Sappho Stanley Lombardo (Translator) 4.6 Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments
Sappho Aaron Poochigian (Translator) 3.63 The Complete Poems of Sappho
Sappho Willis Barnstone (translator) 4.5 Sappho
Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works
Sappho Diane J. Rayor (Translator) André Lardinois 5 Sappho: A New Translation
4.17 Sweetbitter Love: Poems of Sappho
0 3.5 Love Has No Gender - Pride Month Special Series
Love Has No Gender - Pride Month Special Series: Gay Classics: Joseph and His Friend, This Finer Shadow, Regiment of Women, Sappho, The Picture of Dorian Gray…
Oscar Wilde Virginia Woolf Harlan Cozad McIntosh Bayard Taylor J. Sheridan Le Fanu Theodore Winthrop Jack Saul Lucas Malet Henry Blake Fuller Petronius Sappho Clemence Dane 0 0 Archilochus, Sappho, Alkman: Three Lyric Poets of the Seventh Century B.C.
Alcman Archilochus Sappho Guy Davenport (Translator) 0 Wild Nights: Heart Wisdom from Five Women Poets
Sappho Emily Dickinson Edna St. Vincent Millay Amy Lowell Sara Teasdale 0 10 Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature
10 Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Literature: The Odyssey of Homer, The Works and Days, Theogony of Hesiod, The Complete Poems of Sappho, Medea of Euripides, ... Oresteia of Aeschylus, The Odes of Anacreon
Homer Hesiod Sappho Euripides Sophocles Aeschylus Anacreon Alexander Pope (Translator) William Cowper (Translator) Hugh G. Evelyn-White (Translator) John Myers O'Hara (Translator) F. Storr (Translator) E.D.A. Morshead (Translator) Thomas Moore (Translator) 0 Liriche e frammenti
Sappho Alcaeus Anacreon Filippo Maria Pontani (Translator) 0 4 Poemas y testimonios
Sappho Aurora Luque (Translator) 3 The Big Book of Ancient Classics
The Big Book of Ancient Classics: Contains the works of Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Aeschylus...
Luciano Epictetus Apuleius Virgil Seneca Thucydides Aristotle Lucretius Ovid Plato Petronius Plotinus Apollonius of Rhodes Pythagoras Plutarch Aeschylus Homer Sappho Augustine of Hippo Euripides Sophocles 0 2 Hino a Afrodite e outros poemas
Sappho Giuliana Ragusa Safo de Lesbos 0 4 The Best Love Poems Ever
The Best Love Poems Ever
David Rohlfing Langston Hughes Robert Browning Pablo Neruda W.B. Yeats David Levithan Christina Rossetti William Shakespeare Edgar Allan Poe Walt Whitman Sappho Emily Dickinson Rita Dove 0 0 Stung with Love
Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments of Sappho
Sappho Aaron Poochigian (Translator) 3 Sapfo
Sappho Sapfo Mette Moestrup Mette Christiansen (Translator) 0 Jeg er grønnere end græs - fragmenter af Sapfo
0 Sapfon runoja
Sappho Aapo Junkola (Translator) 0 Poemas y fragmentos
Sappho Juan Manuel Rodríguez Tobal (Translator) 5 Odas. Olímpicas. Píticas. Nemeas. Ístmicas. Fragmentos de Otras Obras de Píndaro. Otros Líricos Griegos
Pindar Archilochus Tyrtaeus Alcaeus Sappho Simonides Anacreon Bacchylides 0 Grekisk litteratur: dikter och prosa
3 Poemas e Fragmentos de Safo
Sappho Eugénio de Andrade (translator) 0 Poesia Grega: De Hesíodo a Teócrito
Alcman Semonides Mimnermus Sappho Ibycus Anacreon Theognis Pindar Bacchylides Theocritus 0 Safo, Poemas y fragmentos
0 Gedichten
Sappho Mieke de Vos (Translator) 2 Fragmentos completos
Sappho Guilherme Gontijo Flores (Translator) 0 Greek Lyric: Sappho and Alcaeus
Sappho Alcaeus David A. Campbell (Translator) 0 Yale Classics - The Greatest Works of Ancient Greece
Aristotle Plato Euripides Gilbert Murray Epictetus Theocritus Homer Plutarch Aeschylus Sophocles Aristophanes Herodotus Anacreon Sappho Thucydides Hesiod Demosthenes Lysias Alcaeus Archilochus Theognis of Megara Simonides of Ceos Bacchylides Apollonius Callimachus 0 Dikterna och fragmenten
Dikterna och fragmenten
Sappho Vasilis Papageorgiou (translator) Magnus William-Olsson (translator) 0 Les poésies de Sapho de Lesbos
Sappho Jules-Henry Rédarez Saint-Remy (Translator) 0