Scott Meyer

Scott Meyer

Scott Meyer has written at least 21 books. Their most popular book is Off to Be the Wizard with 196 saves with an average rating of 3.85⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fantasy, Adventure, and Science fiction.

Author Bio

{"type":"/type/text","value":"After an unsuccessful career in radio, and a middling-successful career as a stand-up comic, Scott Meyer found himself middle aged, working as a ride operator at Walt Disney World.\r\n\r\nIn his spare time, he produced the successful web comic Basic Instructions. He slowly built a following of fans all over the world, to whom he sold his first self-published novel, Off to Be the Wizard. The book's success brought him a publishing deal.\r\n\r\nScott Meyer is the bestselling author of seven novels. He lives in Arizona with his wife, their cats, and his most important possession, a working air conditioner."}