Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes: Adventures Through the Multiverse Volume One - Thaddeus Tuffentsamer
- C. Davis
- Margaret Walsh
- Kenzie Lappin
- T. Jones
- D.K. Latta
- Stephen Herczeg
- James Lovegrove
- Derrick Belanger
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Forest of Fear, Volume 1 Forest of Fear, Volume 1 - Andrew Anderson
- Olivia Arieti
- Chris Bannor
- Gabriella Balcom
- Evan Baughfman
- Aron Beauregard
- Brandy Bonifas
- David Bowmore
- Belinda Brady
- Robin Braid
- Nancy Brewka-Clark
- N.M. Brown
- David A.F. Brown
- D.M. Burdett
- Aubrey Campbell
- Raven Corinn Carluk
- A.S. Charly
- Simon Cluett
- Stuart Conover
- Vonnie Winslow Crist
- Michael D. Davis
- Andra Dill
- Derek Dunn
- J.W. Garrett
- R.A. Goli
- J.M. Goodrich
- S.R. Guardian
- Kathleen Halecki
- Cindar Harrell
- Stephen Herczeg
- A.R. Johnston
- Archit Joshi
- Nerisha Kemraj
- Kevin J. Kennedy
- D. Kershaw
- Jill Kiesow
- Dean M. King
- Shawn M. Klimek
- Andrew Lennon
- Valerie Lioudis
- Matt Lucas
- Delaney McCormick
- Stacey Jaine McIntosh
- Terry Miller
- Umair Mirxa
- Eddie D. Moore
- K.R. Nox
- Beth W. Patterson
- Paula R.C. Readman
- Kimberly Rei
- Ronnie Scissom
- Stephanie Scissom
- Jo Seysener
- Amber M. Simpson
- Dorian J. Sinnott
- Steve Stred
- Joshua D. Taylor
- G. Allen Wilbanks
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Revolutions - Tamantha Smith
- Sarah Jane Justice
- Stephen Herczeg
- Rebecca Dale
- Melissa Ferguson
- S.M. Isaac
- Issac Still
- Chris Foley
- M.R. Mortimer
- Christoper McMaster
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Sproutlings: A Compendium of Little Fictions - Beattie Alvarez
- Magdalena Ball
- Jenny Blackford
- Sharon Boyce
- Bronte Carrigan
- Sheree Christoffersen
- J.A. Croft
- Gabrielle Clover
- Peter Cook
- Mike Cullen
- Steve Dillon
- Meryl Dunton-Rose
- Tammy Egan
- Helen Vivienne Fletcher
- Jo Fleur
- Sam Ford
- William Geyl
- Lyn Godfrey
- Janet Haigh
- M.A. Hale
- Linda Hudson Hoagland
- Ashlee Jade
- Deborah Kelly
- Mark Liston
- Aarti Mahajan
- Ellen McGeoch
- Matthew Meakins
- Ryley Miller
- Catherine Moffat
- Moosey
- Aria Peyton
- Russell Proctor
- Ewa Ramsey
- K.M. Ross
- Mel A. Rowe
- Willie Southgate
- Janine Stewart
- Jodie van de Wetering
- D.C. White
- Lee-Anne Wilson-Smith
- Kathryn White
- Peter Sutton
- Stephen Herczeg
- Steve Herczeg
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