Stuart David Williams

Stuart David Williams

Stuart David Williams has written at least 9 books. Their most popular book is Treasure by Degrees with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Stuart David Williams (1926-2003) was a Welsh author of crime fiction novels under the name David Williams. His series included the Mark Treasure and the Inspector Parry series.

Born in Bridgend, Glamorgan, on 8 June 1926, Williams studied at Hereford Cathedral School and St. John’s College, Oxford. In the middle of university, he went off to serve as an officer with the Royal Navy during World War II. Williams would go on to as a medical copywriter until a stroke caused him to become a crime writer instead. He had already started writing crime fiction in his spare time.
David Williams’ first novel was *Unholy Writ*, which was published in 1976. He wrote a total of 23 novels, with the last one being the 2003 novel *Practise to Deceive*.
In 1951 he married Brenda Holmes with whom he had one son and one daughter. He died at Virginia Water, Surrey, on 26 September 2003.

Obituary - The Independent