3.76 199 reads 3.92 135 reads 3.66 80 reads 4.1 69 reads 4.21 16 reads The Dirty Streets of Heaven
3.59 72 reads 3.72 56 reads 4.1 52 reads 3.97 37 reads Unfettered III: New Tales By Masters of Fantasy
Megan Lindholm John Gwynne David Anthony Durham Callie Bates Jason Denzel Carrie Vaughn Deborah A. Wolf Anna Stephens Patrick Swenson Peter Orullian Lev Grossman Mark Lawrence Brian Herbert Brandon Sanderson Todd Lockwood Cat Rambo Ken Scholes Scott Sigler Anna Smith Spark Marc Turner Terry Brooks Seanan McGuire Tad Williams Kevin J. Anderson Robert Jordan Naomi Novik Delilah S. Dawson Katherine Arden Ramon Terrell Robert V.S. Redick 3.83 25 reads 3.74 28 reads 3.79 52 reads 3.82 46 reads The Heart of What Was Lost
3.89 24 reads 3.59 22 reads To Green Angel Tower, Part 2
4.04 33 reads 4.67 10 reads 4.56 9 reads 3.61 25 reads 3.39 27 reads 4.36 20 reads 4.09 14 reads 4 13 reads 3.83 10 reads 3.89 10 reads Epic: Legends of Fantasy
Paolo Bacigalupi Aliette de Bodard Trudi Canavan Orson Scott Card Kate Elliott Robin Hobb N.K. Jemisin Mary Robinette Kowal Ursula K. Le Guin Juliet Marillier George R.R. Martin Michael Moorcock Melanie Rawn Patrick Rothfuss Brandon Sanderson Carrie Vaughn Tad Williams 3.67 5 reads 3.5 8 reads 4.75 3 reads The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities
5 2 reads 3.57 8 reads Sleeping late on judgement day
4.09 12 reads 3.57 8 reads The Dragon Book
Cecelia Holland Jonathan Stroud Kage Baker Jane Yolen Adam Stemple Liz Williams Peter S. Beagle Sam Sykes Sean Williams Diana Wynne Jones Gregory Maguire Bruce Coville Tamora Pierce Mary Rosenblum Andy Duncan Harry Turtledove Garth Nix Tad Williams Tanith Lee Naomi Novik Diana Gabaldon 3.6 5 reads 4.25 7 reads 0 3 reads The Dragons of Ordinary Farm
Tad Williams Deborah Beale 3.33 4 reads Neverland's Library
Mark Lawrence T. Frohock R.S. Belcher Marie Brennan Ian Creasey Betsy Dornbusch Jeffrey J. Mariotte Tim Marquitz Stephen McQuiggan William Meikle Pete Rawlik Marsheila Rockwell Jeff Salyards Kenny Soward Brian Staveley J.M. Martin Mercedes M. Yardley Joseph R. Lallo Keith Gouveia Don Webb Miles Cameron 3 2 reads 0 2 reads 3.5 3 reads Elric
Elric: Tales of the White Wolf
Edward E. Kramer, Richard Gilliam Neil Gaiman Michael Moorcock Brad Strickland Richard Lee Byers William Alan Ritch Brad Linaweaver Kevin T. Stein Gary Gygax Stewart von Allmen Paul W. Cashman Nancy A. Collins Doug Murray Karl Edward Wagner Jody Lynn Nye Thomas E. Fuller Colin Greenland Robert E. Weinberg Charles Partington Peter Crowther James Lovegrove Nancy Holder Tad Williams David M. Honigsberg Roland J. Green Frieda A. Murray James Dorr 3.5 3 reads 0 1 read The Very Best of Tad Williams
3 2 reads 5 3 reads 4.5 4 reads 4 1 read Storm: To Green Angel Tower, Part 2
4 2 reads El trono de huesos de dragón
Tad Williams Miguel Portillo (Translator) 0 1 read Child of an Ancient City
Tad Williams Nina Kiriki Hoffman 4 2 reads Il trono del drago
Tad Williams Marco Papi (Translator) Gaetano Luigi Staffilano (Translator) 0 1 read Legendy
Piotr W. Cholewa (Translator) Katarzyna Karłowska (Translator) Radosław Kot (Translator) Jarosław Kotarski (Translator) Paweł Kruk (Translator) Krzysztof Sokołowski (Translator) Lucyna Targosz (Translator) 4 2 reads Der Engelsturm
Tad Williams Verena C. Harksen (Translator) 4 1 read The Secrets Of Ordinary Farm
0 0 reads 0 0 reads 0 0 reads 5 1 read Sleeping Late on Judgement Day: Bobby Dollar 3
4 1 read Lightspeed Magazine, February 2013
3 1 read 0 1 read 0 1 read The Dragon Book: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy
0 0 reads Wizards: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy
4.5 2 reads 4 1 read 0 0 reads 4 1 read Otherland: Mountain of Black Glass
0 0 reads 3 1 read Year's Best Fantasy 8
Kage Baker Chris Roberson Daryl Gregory Benjamin Rosenbaum Elizabeth Hand Pat Cadigan Bruce McAllister Mark Chadbourn Andy Duncan M. Rickert Holly Black Michael Moorcock Neil Gaiman Garth Nix Laird Barron Don Webb Fred Chappell Tim Pratt Theodora Goss Tad Williams Nalo Hopkinson David Ackert Jeffrey Ford Liz Williams 0 0 reads 4 1 read 0 0 reads 0 1 read 3 1 read 0 0 reads 0 0 reads Скала Прощания
Tad Williams Тэд Уильямс М.А. Юнгер (Translator) 3 1 read 0 0 reads Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn
Peter S. Beagle Janet Berliner 0 0 reads 5 1 read Der Blumenkrieg
Tad Williams Hans-Ulrich Möhring (Translator) 3 1 read 0 0 reads 0 0 reads Science fiction DAW 30th anniversary
0 0 reads 0 1 read Twilight Zone : 19 original tales on the 50th anniversary
David Hagberg Timothy Zahn Lucia St. Clair Robson Deborah Chester R.L. Stine Robert J. Serling Jim DeFelice Tad Williams John Miller Laura Lippman Whitley Strieber Kelley Armstrong Rod Serling William F. Wu Earl Hamner Jr. Mike Resnick Carole Nelson Douglas Joe R. Lansdale Lezli Robyn Alan Brennert 3 1 read Elric
Elric: Swords and Roses
Michael Moorcock John Picacio Tad Williams 0 0 reads La Maison de l'Ancêtre
Tad Williams Jacques Collin (Translator) 3 1 read Il canto di Acchiappacoda
4 1 read 0 0 reads Otherland: Sea of Silver Light
0 0 reads Siege: To Green Angel Tower, Part 1
0 1 read Трон из костей дракона
Tad Williams Тэд Уильямс М.А. Юнгер (Translator) 0 0 reads La torre dell'angelo verde: Parte prima
Tad Williams Gaetano Luigi Staffilano (translator) 0 0 reads La pietra dell'addio
Tad Williams Gaetano Luigi Staffilano (Translator) 0 0 reads Otherland
Otherland: Volume Three: Mountain of Black Glass
0 1 read The Boy Detective of Oz: An Otherland Story
0 0 reads 0 0 reads To Green Angel Tower: Siege
0 0 reads Into the Narrowdark: Book Three of The Last King of Osten Ard
0 0 reads Smoki ze Zwyczajnej Farmy
Tad Williams Jarosław Rybski (translator) 0 1 read 0 0 reads Башня зеленого ангела
Tad Williams М.А. Юнгер (Translator) 3 1 read