Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic |
Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West |
In the Shadow of the Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World |
Pax: War and Peace in Rome's Golden Age |
Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar |
Where Nightmares Come From |
Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind |
Persian Fire - Tom Holland
- 梁永安 (Translator)
 Dominion Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World |
In the Shadow of the Sword: The Birth of Islam and the Rise of the Global Arab Empire |
Rubikon: Triumph und Tragödie der Römischen Republik - Andreas Wittenburg (Translator)
- Tom Holland
Fright Night: The Novelization |
Rubicón: Auge y caída de la República romana - Tom Holland
- Joan Eloi Roca (Translator)
 Millennium Millennium: The End of the World and the Forging of Christendom by Tom Holland |
 Persian Fire Persian Fire: The First World Empire, Battle for the West - 'Magisterial' Books of the Year, Independent |
Persisches Feuer: Ein vergessenes Weltreich und der Kampf um Europa |
Pax: Guerra e Paz na Era Dourada de Roma - Tom Holland
- Manuel Santos Marques (translator)
Dominion (50th Anniversary Edition): The Making of the Western Mind |
 Fuego Persa Fuego Persa: El Primer Imperio Mundial Y La Batalla Por Occidente |
Great Commanders of the Ancient World, 1479BC - 453AD - Martin van Creveld
- Joyce A. Tyldesley
- Robin Waterfield
- James Doyne Dawson
- Ben Dupré
- Jonathan Fenby
- Adrian Goldsworthy
- John Haywood
- Robin Lane Fox
- Adrian Murdoch
- Tom Holland
The Vampyre: The Secret History of Lord Byron |
 Domínio Domínio: Como o Cristianismo Transformou o Pensamento Ocidental |
The Madness of Cambyses - Herodotus
- Tom Holland (Translator)
The Rest is History - Goalhanger Podcasts
- Dominic Sandbrook
- Tom Holland
Dynastie: opkomst en ondergang van het huis van Julius Caesar - Arian Verheij (Translator)
- Boukje Verheij (Translator)
- Tom Holland
Rubicon: het einde van de Romeinse Republiek - Boukje Verheij (Translator)
- Tom Holland
The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the West |
Rubicão: O Triunfo e a Tragédia da República Romana - Graça Caldeira (Translator)
- Tom Holland
Millennium. La fine del mondo e la nascita della cristianità |
Plough Quarterly No. 35 - Pain and Passion - Randall Gauger
- Ben Crosby
- Lisabeth Button
- Navid Kermani
- Brewer Eberly
- Eleanor Parker
- Rick Warren
- Tom Holland