U.S. Army Register - United States. Department of the Army
Pathfinder Operations - United States. Department of the Army
Engineers' Reference and Logistical Data - United States. Department of the Army
Army Pictorial Techniques, Equipments and Systems, Still Photography - United States. Department of the Army
Confinement of Military Prisoners - United States. Department of the Army
Technical Intelligence - United States. Department of the Army
Food Service Specialist - United States. Department of the Army
Army Correspondence Course Program - United States. Department of the Army
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower Operator - United States. Department of the Army
Index of Specifications and Standards (used By) Department of the Army - United States. Department of the Army
Basic Cold Weather Manual - United States. Department of the Army
The My Lai Massacre and Its Cover-up - United States. Department of the Army
- William Raymond Peers
- Joseph Goldstein
- Burke Marshall
- Jack Schwartz
Report of the Department of the Army Review of the Preliminary Investigations Into the My Lai Incident - United States. Department of the Army
Protective Masks and Accessories - United States. Department of the Army
Index of United States Army, Joint Army-Navy and Federal Specifications Used by the War Deparment (varies Slightly) 44 - United States. Department of the Army
Medical Service in Joint Oversea Operations - United States. Department of the Army