A Day Like This

A Day Like This

2021 • 288 pages


Average rating4.6


This is on KU!! Go run and get it now!!!

This is SO good. First, I love time travel/parallel lives books. I LOVE THEM. And this one did it so, so well. There were secrets that unfolded so slowly and so well. The pacing was truly perfect. I fell in love with the characters and the world(s) so much. I cried reading this, which really doesn't happen often.

This is one of those books that had me smiling from how good it was, pausing to talk to my husband about, and one that will stick with me for a very, very long time.

This book explores mental health and mother/daughter relationships as well so just know that going in. But overall, I loved the discussions in this book and really thoroughly enjoyed it.

Content warning for: infertility, miscarriage (late term), suicide, death of loved ones, death of pet

January 23, 2022Report this review