A Good Neighborhood

A Good Neighborhood



Average rating3.4


This book just didn't work for me. Ultimately, the writing just...did not feel strong enough for all the topics this book carried.

Primarily, it covers important topics about America's history, specifically in the South, and highlights how its past is effecting the present now. I can get on board with this, as I'm very anti-glorification of the South. However, I had a few problems with the way it was written and the characters. I agree with other reviews criticizing two aspects:

1) the characters were very much caricatures. from the stepdad with a secret everyone saw coming, the almost ethereal Jupiter, and rags to riches Julia. Valerie was probably the best written character but we didn't get enough time on her.
2) I really, really didn't like the tense used. It really didn't work for me and I always felt removed from the story.

This story was sad and frustrating, which is realistic probably and an important message. I encourage people interested in this topic to seek out more of these stories covering these topics. I highly recommend reading Richard Wright for insight on being an African-American male in America. I've only read 2 of his novels but his writing is strong and so is the message.