Despite a single expletive early on, this was a wonderful book that kept me hooked from beginning to end. I thought the mother of the lead was going to drive me nuts, because she's one of those overbearing sorts that thinks she can control her grown-up and widowed daughter, but Clara stood up well for herself. That really saved the story for me. I adored how she wasn't afraid to fight for her kids, even if it meant using a bit of playacting to accomplish that goal. It was interesting having the leading man be injured to the point of being dependent on others for care, but I felt this added a unique twist to the plot. The faith thread was good and solid, and once again the author pointed out that gossip is a sin. I applaud that every time, because it's such an easy sin to fall into or overlook, but it's a sin nonetheless. It's wonderful to see an author who's consistent on calling out this sin—in a grace-filled way—in several books she's written. I was sad to see this trilogy come to an end, but I'm sure I'll find another series by Mrs. Peterson to enjoy before too long.
Content: expletive, alcohol