A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload

A World Without Email

Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload

2021 • 320 pages


Average rating4.1


The concept of the hyperactive hive mind workflow makes sense. It gave me some awareness of this workflow and I can probably adopt one or two minor strategies to deal with it. I don't think any of the major strategies, like office hours or having shared boards at work would work for me, it would require an upper management radical shift at my workplace.
Also, it has become clear to me the importance of having clear defined workflows. Cal Newport defines that knowledge work is the combination of two components: work execution and workflow. So workflows that require us to be constantly checking a feed or inbox is inefficient and make us miserable. A better way of working is to have less ad hoc, unscheduled, asynchronous conversations.
In summary, the book brings suggestions on how to use email very strategically if not at all.
It's an interesting discussion. I loved the first part of the book about the history of email.

March 31, 2021Report this review