Average rating4.5
As much as we can say the US has made great strides, the hatred, racism, phobia of socialism (confused with communism), WASP arrogance, are still there, ready to resurface at the first sign of stress.
Trump's election, his presidency up to the infamy of Jan. 6, seem like anomalies, one consoles oneself with the thought that they will not be repeated...but they are not anomalies, any more than is the white militancy behind the racial persecution that spawned the Black Lives Matter movimendo.
No, today's problems are inextricably linked to those of yesterday, when, between 1917 and 1921, hatred became institutional. False evidence, lynchings without punishment, the Tulsa massacre, political persecution always and only from an anti-socialist(communist) perspective... President Wilson, who is remembered today for his efforts in creating the League of Nations, was a coward, he let every private individual form his own militia around him with the endorsement of the authorities. In those five years, terror reigned as it would later reign in Nazi Germany, and it was one step away from being permanently consolidated....
This book lifts the rug that propaganda and a subservient school education have used to cover a series of filthy shames that instead it is incumbent upon us to rediscover, so that for real we may learn not to take anything for granted!