In the last week, I've read two stories by this author, and the writing has been brilliant in both. I love the way she pulls my attention in immediately and holds it captive until the very end. One thing I particularly admired about this story was how the leads could have an honest conversation about whatever issues they were dealing with. Some books keep the secrets and lack of communication going for chapters upon chapters, but these characters communicated well despite their fears of losing each other. Because of that, it felt like no word was wasted, no space blithely used up, nor my time squandered.
On top of that, I found the amnesia angle and the way the memories began to return to be exquisitely written in a way that seemed natural and fresh to the memory-loss sub-genre. The characters were charming and entertaining. I liked that the leading man didn't know what to do with the leading lady's spunky personality. That made me laugh and keep flipping pages to see if he'd ever figure her out. I loved it!
I'm tracking down more of this author's books, as I'm able, because she's quickly becoming a favorite for me.