Ancestral Night
2019 • 493 pages


Average rating4


A Perfect Far Future SF Tale
After feeling that Becky Chambers' Space Adventure books felt a little too soft and shallow, this story filled the void I didn't know existed.
The philosophical concepts both personal and political were fantastically fleshed out: free will, identity, what a perfect society would be, how much government control is too much. All these concepts were pushed to the edge, but in a way that never felt preachy.
At the same time, the story was excellent and gripping. I never felt like I knew what would happen next, and the stakes kept growing in unpredictable ways. It really blew me away.
I'm a big SF fan and this is possibly my new favourite book. I've already bought the sequel, and may just have to become an Elizabeth Bear completest.

September 15, 2022Report this review