Average rating3.8
I'll admit that I have a wall up when it comes to books that revolve around romance. Too often I find that the relationship is the book is wholly unbelievable and it hampers my appreciation of the story. However sometimes I find a book that completely changes my mind, and makes me question my stance. Anna and the French Kiss was one of the few romantic books I've read that drew me in and stole my heart. That alone earns it my seal of approval.
Anna was initially a bit difficult for me to relate to, since she seemed to be so set on being bitter about her situation. I understood where she was coming from, but I really wanted to see her realization that she had been given a completely amazing opportunity! Once that happened, I saw the real Anna underneath and I fell in love with her. A sweet girl, Anna's open minded thought process and introspective personality really spoke to me. I think I saw a little bit of myself in her.
St. Clair is the type of swoon-worthy guy that many will fall in love with. His British side shines off the page, and his overall goofiness is a sweet addition to some otherwise awkward situations he seems to get himself into. My favorite part about St. Clair's character was his ability to see things in such a positive light. Even when he made a poor decision, which then in a true to life manner was blown out of proportion by Anna, he was able to look at the problem with positivity. He is the type of friend everyone wishes they had, always willing to talk things out before jumping to conclusions.
What really struck me most about this story, besides the gorgeous Paris setting, was the relatively small cast of characters presented. The story revolves around Anna and St. Clair mostly, with St. Clair's three original friends supporting. As a person who reads a lot of fantasy books, with huge amounts of characters, this was a refreshing change for me. The small cast allowed the characters to come to life and the reader to really get to know them. Stephanie Perkin's writing created a feeling of belonging. I felt as though I was a part of Anna's group from the moment they were introduced. It's a nice feeling to have while reading.
As I'm sure you can tell, I absolutely adored this book! In terms of a romance, it was perfection for me. The delicious tension between Anna and St. Clair, the beautiful setting, the sweet storyline, it all melded together into a stunning debut for Stephanie Perkins! I'm in love.