Average rating4.1
“Attack on Titan” is a manga series written by Hajime Isayama. This volume includes four chapters. This manga is a post-apocalyptic story, where humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction, by these giant humanoid beings know as Titans, which have been devouring humans. For the last hundred years, the remaining humans have been hidden within three giant circular walls, where people believe that they would be safe within these walls, but they were wrong.
The main character is named Eren, and he hates living within the walls, and when the first wall is breached he makes a statement that he will kill all Titans. Eren, and his two friends named Mikasa and Arimin join the military cadets, and plan on joining the Scouts.
I love the manga and the anime, I gave this manga and the anime a 5/5 Stars.