Beating Ruby


Average rating5


Second book in the series, and the second book I have read.

All the fun ingredients from the first book are present:
Hilarious “quotes” from Rica, Ramirez & co. before each chapter, enough nerdy talk to keep my inner geek happy, spy stuff and car chases, and - of course - March (and who here doesn't have at least a little crush on him?!).

We also get to meet Phyllis in person, are introduced to Krakky (really hope the little guy's okay! Will he be back in #3?) and we get to visit Switzerland and Liechtenstein this time.

Suffice it to say Ruby kept me up (snickering and giggling) two nights in a row (aw, just one more tiny chapter... okay, maybe another one? Rinse and repeat until 1 a.m.).
I should also mention that I felt compelled to read up on platypuses (platypi) and their potential use as substitues for ill-tempered mutated sea-bass (sans laser beams).

On the more technical side, there were only a few minor issues with typos / missing words and some of the German phrases used (nitpicky native speaker here, sorry!).

Looking forward to reading the third book in the series (already on my digital Stack of Unread Books)!

February 4, 2017Report this review