Average rating3.6
UGH I wish I could give this 0 stars. Like, if [b:Beautiful Disaster 11505797 Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1) Jamie McGuire https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1358259032s/11505797.jpg 16441531] was 1 star... this is 0. It's the exact same shitty story as Beautiful Disaster, but told from Travis's POV. First of all, there is way too much overlap with Beautiful Disaster for this to be a separate book. And since Travis tends to yell his feelings at any given moment, it's not even like there was a ton of hidden insight. I didn't even really enjoy hate reading it. I skimmed it a lot, and definitely do not recommend this at all. Like, don't even touch it. Don't make eye contact with it. Let's leave it on the shelf to think about what it has done.“I know we're fucked up, alright? I'm impulsive, and hot tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then need me the next. I never get anything right, and I don't deserve you...but I fucking love you, Abby. I love you more than I loved anyone or anything ever. When you're around, I don't need booze, or money, or the fighting, or the one-night stands...” He said that in the first book, from Abby's POV. And again, word for word, in this one. So repetitive. I skimmed this a lot (but still found plenty of bullshit to tweet about, of course).UGH I just saw this got voted onto a GoodReads list called “Best Book Boyfriends.” NO STOP. This book is like 300 pages of domestic abuse red flags. And I'm not talking like Twilight style “breaks into her house to watch her sleep”, I'm talking emotionally controlling, short temper, physically drags her off the dance floor when she dances with another guy (AFTER SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM). It's cuckoo-bananas. Plus Travis thinks of every other girl in the book as a slut. His philosophy: “Did women deserve to be treated like sluts? No. Did sluts deserve to be treated like sluts? Yes.” (Direct quote. GOD I HATE HIM.)Uh one addition this had was it kept talking about how Abby reminds Travis (and his family) of his dead mom? Sex...y? FUCKING GROSS, DO NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND THE APPEAL OF THESE AT ALL.Also I ordered them for our teen collection because they were popular and in that “new adulty” borderline, but after reading these garbage books I'm sending them to adult. The language and sex isn't that explicit, and I could see the case for them being in teen, but I JUST CAN'T. If teens want to read this shit (and so far it seems like they're not, at least not at my library–it's adults who are getting it), they are going to have to walk across the aisle and get them from adult. Again–I don't generally care for hyperbole like “Twilight will give girls unhealthy relationship expectations!” but I really don't want any teens to stumble upon it accidentally because it is truly next level bullshit.On a final note, from the epilogue I learned that in the future these two douchebags reproduce and have twins named James and Jessica... TRAVIS AND ABBY ARE TEAM ROCKET'S PARENTS.