Beauty To Die For A Spa Mystery

Beauty To Die For A Spa Mystery


Average rating5


This book is not the typical fast-paced mystery book that you could expect. This story unfolds slowly, because the mystery is building in pieces. However, even the most insignificant conversation can be the key piece to solve the mystery at the end.

As in the books of Agatha Christie, in this novel the most important is the development of the characters and their psychology because by reading it, you realize that the mystery is not easy to solve and there is always a surprise after another.

The final revelation of the identity of the murderer left me very shocked because I had no idea it was that person. Also, I like how the other mysteries surrounding the entire complex case is resolved.

The romance added a plus to the story and I loved how faith played an important role in the story.

The main characters are enjoyable and I'm looking forward to read them in their next adventure.

-Thanks to the publisher for providing me a review copy. This fact didn't influence the review-

January 16, 2015Report this review