Average rating3.7
This book is about the image of the perfect wife who is married to the perfect husband and they have the perfect marriage... on the outside. But, ‘behind closed doors' things are not what they seem. Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to get into this story. The book is written where one chapter is the present storyline and the next is what happened in the past. I get why it was written this way, but towards the middle the present story line feeds into the past and it switches up a little and it jumps back and forth in the same story line if that makes sense. It was a little confusing, but once you follow, it picks right back up. Behind Closed Doors was no where near the top of my TBR list, but my best friend said I should read it so she would have someone to talk to about it. She said she got chills from the ending and I have to agree with her. The ending was really good. I had no idea this was B.A. Paris's debut novel until after I read it. I'd have to say that it was a pretty good book for a debut novel. One of the best debut novels I have read!