Average rating3.8
Bit of a tougher read with longer prose, longer pages, and longer passages without a break or dialogue. The method used to bounce from character to character is effective and the plot is just interesting enough in the first 100 pages to get to where things become more a tad more intriguing. The connection of a few plot points to further set things up worked well but it felt like it took exponentially too long to get to any reveals, and while even those drag out, they ultimately might be the only truly interesting/engaging part of the story. The trigger for the unravelling is a fairly odd and out of place ‘night out' and it leads to a bit of a random turn of events that seem a bit out of place for the tone of the rest of the story. However, the trickle down does make the last 150 pages the most interesting run of the book and even the heavy, long prose works better and best in the third act. Had a solid ending that also took too long to get to (and was also only a few pages), yet the very end was even a bit abrupt where it began to feel like it was going to leave you with an unanticipated cliffhanger.