Average rating3.1
There are some really interesting things going on in this story, but personally I just couldn't get into it. I think firstly, I didn't really connect to any of the characters - and again that may be personal, but not a single one of them made me want to continue on the adventure with them. I can see that the mystery behind the main characters disappearance will be a slow reveal and there were obviously some interesting events that have lead to his return, which will hopefully make everything worthwhile as the series continues, but I found it too much a slow burn. I also may be tired of the ‘boy into man while on unwanted adventure' trope being a bit overdone in the genre and I just wasn't interested in it, even if it had an interesting and unique world. I would say that is probably this series best part in my opinion. Straying away from the usual fantasy characters of elves, dwarves, etc. and building a world all its own, was a welcome change and I acknowledge the imagination that went into building the world, it just didn't hit a cord with me overall.