Average rating4.3
Sometimes I surprise myself. Though I've owned this for a bit I managed to “save it” for my time of need. The time was now and [a:Dal Maclean 15408926 Dal Maclean https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1470182224p2/15408926.jpg] came through with flying colors. What did I like about this? Nothing. I. LOVED. ALL. OF. IT.
I don't know how the hell to review this book. For about 85% of it I was going with 2 stars because I thought the relationship between James and Ben was emotionally abusive, and then by the story's end I felt somewhat differently (trying not to spoil anything here). Very well written, with strong plot and characters, but I felt more sad and disturbed than happy and fulfilled at the end (the HEA seemed more of a crowd-pleaser than a natural conclusion). Bottom line is that I don't think I want to read anything else by this author, talented though she may be. If you like gritty, dark and real more than fluffy kittens you might find it to be a 5-star book.