Average rating3.5
EEEh. This is very low 3 stars and it breaks my heart to say it. I really, really wanted to love this book, but boy was it a disaster.
First, they say it's a Black Widow novel.
Please. She was barely there at all, and when she was, she was pretty out of character.
I don't know how it really ties in with the MCU? For some reasons I thought it was set after the battle of New York, but Coulson is still alive (Coulson was pretty great, good job, Stohl), so I'm probably wrong on that.
Also: WHERE WAS CLINT? He wasn't mentioned when Nat named the Avengers. It was as if he didn't even exist! Hawkeye is Natasha's bff and he isn't even worth a mention? Pretty big overlook.
Marvel should have commissioned someone else to write an ADULT novel worthy of the Black Widow.