Average rating4
Two former lovers have to face each other again as one is about to take his formal vows into the priest hood over a fight to retain a church on the tribal lands.
Emery Matawapit has decided to come home to save the reservation's Catholic church and to ask for forgiveness from the man he left behind. In a few months, he will become a priest and forever turn his life over to God. He feels he needs to make peace with the past before he can take this step.
Darryl Keejik has never forgiven Emery or his family for deciding their fate. Ten years ago Emery threw him away. Now all Darryl wants to do is serve the Council on the reservation and preserve the Native traditions. This puts him in direct opposition with the Matawapit family.
When Emery and Darryl meet face to face all of the old arguments are still the same...has ten years changed anything?
I loved the story and the journey. It has made me think and nod my head on multiple occasions. I loved both Darryl and Emery's soul searching dialogues in Blessed. This is not to say that Blackbird did not include any romance! She did and she did it well as always.
I usually have some kind of snappy or witty ending to my reviews and I do not have one this time. Read Blessed if not for the Emery and Darryl's spiritual journey than for their love story - it is worth it.
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.