"Chilling...A riveting thriller." NEW YORK MAGAZINE New York City is caught in the cold grip of a brutal serial killer who savagely rapes and murders his young, blonde victims. While ravaging them, his mind whirls with symphonic images and raging desires--rarely giving thought to his loving wife and child. Young, blonde Zelly Wyche has a new baby and a happy life with her dependable electrician husband. She, too, is petrified by the madness and the unthinkable tragedy of the murders. While the serial killers' sole survivor and a victim's brother mount a desperate vigilante hunt for the "Symphony Slasher," a chill runs up Zelly's spine. She is beginning to wonder if the killer could be closer than she thinks. But no. Impossible. She has to be dead wrong....
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This book was a compelling thriller that kept my attention throughout. I liked getting different character's voices such as the killer, the police and one of the victims.