“A highly unusual tale about an unrecognized musical genius,” this acclaimed debut novel “touches the grand questions about God, love, art and history” (Publishers Weekly). Set against the backdrop of a nineteenth century Alpine village, Brother of Sleep tells the story of Johannes Elias Alder, a musical genius with an uncanny ear who develops his talent in secret midnight sessions at the church organ. Though he plays transcendently, his unrequited love and his struggle to break free from his circumstance threaten to destroy him. Translated into twenty-four languages and adapted into a film, a ballet, an opera, and several plays, Brother of Sleep moves inexorably toward tragedy in a tale reminiscent of Patrick Suskind’s Perfume. In this beguiling novel, Robert Schneider has created “a strange, rich story suffused with the poignancy of genius that is not allowed to flourish” (Los Angeles Book Review).
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