Cover 4

Call Me Cockroach

Call Me Cockroach

2013 • 236 pages


Average rating4


[b:Call Me Tuesday 13512420 Call Me Tuesday Leigh Byrne 19067147] ended rather abruptly and I needed to know more. I wanted more closure, so I started to read [b:Call Me Cockroach 18619212 Call Me Cockroach Leigh Byrne 26401635]. I am glad we got to see how that abuse Tuesday went through shaped her life. Like I stated in my review for the 1st book, her entire family failed her. Her brothers were trash and didn't bother to reach out probably due to their guilt. I was expecting more of a happy ending but it was very realistic. Her mother got zero sympathy from me and I don't understand how Tuesday forgave her in the end. Couldn't be me.

July 10, 2021Report this review