Changing Gears
2019 • 240 pages


Average rating5


This new series is off to a great start!

Roseanne Beck has become one of my go-to rom-com authors, her stories are funny, a little snarky, a little sexy, and her take on the “wounded” hero usually means that they poor guys are (getting) injured in one way or another...

Lauren and Jake are likeable and relatable main characters. I love that they are not perfect, but that they are still perfect for each other.
I also enjoy the family dynamics a lot - sometimes the situations are outright hilarious (Jake's nephew Reece and Lauren's Aunt Sheila have some of the best lines!), but it still feels genuine, and there's always a lot of heart (big kudos to Lauren and Jake's sisters, Kylie and Tracy!).

On top of all that goodness, there are also some pop culture references for those so inclined, but it doesn't take any of the fun away if you happen to miss them.

All in all, this is just my jam, and I can't wait for the next book in the series!

November 1, 2019Report this review