Average rating4
This book is pretty amazing. I ran through it so fast.
Let me start with how amazing the writing is, because seriously, page one had me sucked into this world. Absolutely beautiful, engaging writing that had me always wanting to read more. The world-building?? Amazing, truly. Now, this is told in alternating POVs with Zélie being the main character. The other people who narrate are Amari and Inan, princess and prince of a hateful and abusive king. The other main character, although not one whose POV we can read is Tain, Zélie's older brother.
Each of these characters is so different and so unique, I really enjoyed reading about all of them.
Inan does have a Zuko thing, where he is the one chasing Zélie, Amari, and Tzain down in order to honor his father and what not, but much like Zuko, there is more to him than that, which keeps his POV chapters interesting.
There is some romance here. I thought both relationships were written really well– pretty much a slower burn, which I love. Nothing hit me as insta-love. The couples made me so happy!!! THEN I WASN'T!!! In the end, I ship certain characters together, but who knows what will happen. I will say, for a YA fantasy novel, the written romance here is absolutely amazing.
The plot... just.... wow. There is a lot going on in this book, but it is told in a way which doesn't make it overwhelming. The writing and actions sweep the reader up in this world and it is such a dark horrible place, but there is so much light and wonder, that I couldn't help but hope along with the main characters that change would come. It is a longer book, but there is so much to tell– so much to get done, that the length never felt too long or “dragged”, no it was just the right length because it tells just what it needs to.
There are twists and scenes, I honestly didn't see coming. Characters die and are injured. And, I really hope one character isn't redeemed... I'm done with them.
All in all, if you haven't read this book you need to go read it. I'll be recommending this to many MANY people.