Average rating3.7
#1 City of Bones ★★★★☆
#2 City of Ashes ★★★☆☆
#3 City of Glass ★★★★☆
#4 City of Fallen Angels ★★★★★
#5 City of Lost Souls ★★★★★
#6 City of Heavenly Fire
I was originally going to give this installment 4 stars like I did with the first one, but after I thought about it for a while (er... the two freaking months it took me to get around to reviewing it, that is), I ultimately decided that I couldn't really justify it, no matter how much I loved the ending. You see, my problem with Ashes is that, while the last 20% or so is fantastic, everything leading up to that point is booooring. That said, this review won't be as in-depth as my Bones review was, so I apologize for skimming over things a bit more, but “meh” reviews are really tough for me to write! (Anyone else?)
“I don't want to be a man,” said Jace. “I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead.”
“I've got a stele we can use. Who wants to do me?”“A regrettable choice of words,” muttered Magnus.
“Is standing by the window muttering about blood something he does all the time?” asked Simon.“No,” Jace said. “Sometimes he sits on the couch and does it.”
“I thought I'd lie on the floor and writhe in pain for a while,” he grunted. “It relaxes me.”