Comedy of Human Life: The Chouans. Scenes from political life: v.28. Historical mystery. v. 29 Brotherhood of consolation. v.30. Deputy of Arcis. Scenes from country life: v.31. Country doctor. v.32. Village rector. v.33. Sons of the soil. Philosophical studies: v.34 Catherine de'Medici. v.35. Juana, Adieu, Drama on the seashore, Red inn, Recruit, El Verdugo, Elixir of life, Hated son, Maître Cornélius. v.36. Magic skin. v.37. Seraphita Jesus Christ in Flanders, The Exiles. v.38. Alkahest. v.40. Honoré de Balzac; a memoir, comp. and wraitten by Katherine Prescott Wormeley

Comedy of Human Life

The Chouans. Scenes from political life: v.28. Historical mystery. v. 29 Brotherhood of consolation. v.30. Deputy of Arcis. Scenes from country life: v.31. Country doctor. v.32. Village rector. v.33. Sons of the soil. Philosophical studies: v.34 Catherine de'Medici. v.35. Juana, Adieu, Drama on the seashore, Red inn, Recruit, El Verdugo, Elixir of life, Hated son, Maître Cornélius. v.36. Magic skin. v.37. Seraphita Jesus Christ in Flanders, The Exiles. v.38. Alkahest. v.40. Honoré de Balzac; a memoir, comp. and wraitten by Katherine Prescott Wormeley

1893 • 402 pages