Average rating4.3
What can I say about this series? I could say that the writing is beautiful in its simplicity; I could say that the characters are so well developed and unique that each voice is distinct and strong; I could say that the world is as lush and detailed as stepping out my front door and I could even say that with the addition of each new character to this cast of lovable misfits I grow more and more in love with every single one of them. But I can't describe how every chapter has me on edge. Every turn of events gets my heart racing and my mind spinning. Every word is an adrenaline rush until I finally reached the end feeling like I just ran a marathon of emotions. This series has me so captivated–Enthralled, Enchanted! Spellbound! Mesmerized! Pick your synonym–that I just want the whole world to read it and love it as much as I do.