Average rating4
I have some thoughts about this book that make it hard for me to really give a review. First, I love Ali Wong. Her stand up is probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen, and her book was funny too. BUT the whole point of this book was a letter to her daughters. I get that you want to be honest with them and think that this is a good format for telling them about tour life. BUT I sincerely feel as though you cannot write a book addressed to your daughters and sell it to the general public and have both parties feel as though this is a great thing. There is a LOT of stuff in this book that Ali spills about her previous sex life that I just didn't really care for. Not because I was like “oh this isn't appropriate talk for a book”, no I really don't care about that. But I literally think that this was predominantly a book about her talking about all the dudes she's been with and all of that. And at one point she says “I'm all for free the nipple but I'd rather you girls didn't expose your breasts.” This is coming from a woman who flashed the audience her butt crack and pussy in her OG stand ups back in the days. So yeah I was confused by a lot. I was so relieved when she broke up the sex talk to talk about her cultural experiences and travel all over the world and her growth at finding her true identity through life. The end chapter was read by her husband and I really appreciated his raw and honest opinion about his marriage, fatherhood and being the butt of all jokes. That chapter kept the book super grounded, which was what she said he did for her during her life. Final opinion: liked it but not loved, prefer her standup specials to her memoir writing.