A Glimpse Into A Demonologist's Sinister Journey
Melinda Kay Lyons wasn't always a Psychic Medium, nor was she inclined to become a Demonologist. However, at eighteen she underwent a near-death experience that opened her third eye that sparked her psychic and medium abilities to develop. Though she spreads love and positivity in her pursuit to sharing knowledge of the other side, destiny had another plan in mind. Once she took her abilities to a professional level, that's when she couldn't help but notice an increase in her client's supernatural disturbances from malevolent spirits and just how common it actually is. In Demon Dealer, Lyons gives you an in-depth look of what it's like getting up close and personal with departed human souls, familiar spirits and deep into the gruesome Demon and Devil experience. Exploring mild paranormal occurrences like doors opening, full body apparitions, unexplained bangs, scratching noises, nightmares but quickly evolving into a more sinister journey.
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Melinda Kay Lyons the author of Demons & their Familiars, this is her second book that explains more about her clairvoyance from a young age, she was having visions, prophetic dreams of events that may happen, have happened or will happen, but she dreams about it before it actually happens.
I've had a lot of my own weird, creepy, unexplained paranormal, occult related and intuitive/psychic experiences since I was a teenager.
The spiritual, astral realm and witchcraft is real, it should be treated with respect.
I have vivid, colourful visions, dreams, I see visions in my third eye as well, so I totally understand what it feels like to experience paranormal activity, intuitive/psychic experiences but not fully understand what is happening or why it's happening and when you talk about it with other people they don't understand, or they mock you and act you like you crazy, non believers are very narrow minded, unimaginative, dull people.
They would never be willing to be open minded about spirituality, the paranormal, the occult/witchcraft.
My mum has seen spirits, interacted with them, she had a prophetic dream about a plane crashing while she was pregnant with me, the same exact plane crashed in real-life.
My mum has had creepy, paranormal experiences, she's a medium, but she still chooses to not believe that it is real, she doesn't embrace her gift, so it's totally wasted on her.
She is a narrowed minded, toxic, sceptical, non-believer and mocks me for my paranormal, intuitive/psychic experiences or she doesn't believe me and treats me like i'm crazy.
Mediumship skills such as clairvoyance is manifesting very time Melinda was closing her eyes, she was seeing spirits manifesting themselves, sh has visions, dreams.
It's difficult to explain to a sceptical, non-believer what it's like to have visions in your third eye, when they don't believe that is even possible.
It's not uncommon for people that experience a OBE (Out-of-body) or near-death experience to also astral project, but not everyone that has a O.B.E, near-death experience develops psychic abilities, clairvoyance afterwards, some might, but others don't it depends on your intuition, psychic awareness, or if your open-minded about the spiritual realm.
Astral projection isn't always voluntary, whenever I has experienced astral projection in my sleep as a teenager I had no control over it, I didn't understand at the time what was happening to me.
I felt at peace when it happened, but also a little bit scared due to not knowing/understanding what astral projection is at the time.
Now during meditation I am partially astral projecting, my head, hands, arms feel very heavy, I feel like i'm not fully in this realm, like i'm going to another dimension or realm, like i'm partially astral projecting, but it feels painful, so I have to stop meditating and I feel pain in my third eye, a little bit tired after meditating.
With practice I could astral project, it just requires focus, practice for some people, for other people it might be effortless and easy.
It's interesting though that some people become a medium after experiencing a O.B.E, near-death experience or astral projection, everyone has spirit guide, but no everyone believes even when there is physical evidence, or a manifestation right in front of their face, because people are stubborn lol
This author is a Demonologist, witch, a astral exorcist, claims to be a “Pagan” but she posted a disrespectful video about Hekate.
Why would you want to work with Hekate when your attitude and opinion towards them is a bias Christian perspective, that is prejudice, intolerant, hateful, misguided and inaccurate about Pagan Dark Goddesses?
More recently she is going in a Christian-(she is a former Christian), anti-witch, fear mongering direction when she claims she wants to help people.
I don't agree with her opinion of witches that follow a alternative spiritual path/practice alternative religions & alternative spiritual/occult practices that is different to her own, that she demonizes, vilifies, condemns and labels as Satanic, evil, in the same way Christians label anything that isn't Christian, everything that is Pagan to be evil, Satanic just like the Satanic Panic, a modern day witch hunt.
Just because other people follow a alternative, Pagan, Satanic or other spiritual/occult path it doesn't automatically mean that person/people are evil, this is confirmation bias, spiritual narcissism, just because you expect everyone to follow the new age, love & light, only positive vibes, toxic positivity BS doesn't mean everyone will, because it doesn't resonate with them.
You completely ignore the dark feminine energy and act like it doesn't matter or doesn't exist when it is integral to healing trauma, pain, transmuting negative energy, integrating all parts of yourself that you are ashamed of, don't like, hide, suppress/repress from other people so you can learn to love and accept yourself for who you are and feel empowered, confident within yourself.
Only focusing n the new age, love & light, only positive vibes and acting like no darker aspects of a Deities you work with exists, or that there is not a darker aspect to spirituality, witchcraft or the spiritual, astral realms is dangerous and harmful to a lot of people especially people that are new to spirituality, witchcraft, astral projection etc.
I'm still interested in reading her books, but I don't always agree with her opinion about some things, however her previous book about Demons & their familiars was helpful due to experiencing encounters with demons in the past.
The knowledge and experience the author has is helpful, but their opinion, attitude or intolerance of certain types of people, their beliefs and spiritual/occult practices is very judgemental it can make the author seem like they have a biased opinion, that contributes to their ego, confirmation bias or spiritual narcissism.