Demonic Encounters
Demonic Encounters
True Cases of Demon Encounters, Evil Entity Possessions, and Demonic Attacks
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My review is for the eBook.
Darren Evans & Tim Wood have both repeatedly used a Ouija Board and they both didn't do any protective ritual, and opening or closing ritual before and after using a Ouija Board to protect themselves or anyone else they used the Ouija Board with.
Both overtime became obsessed with using the Ouija Board which is known as spiritual entrapment, spirits, entities, devils, demons, beings will influence people to want to use the Ouija Board, more and more until they are obsessed with using it, they are trying to figure out if the person has any type of vulnerability, weakness so they can use that against you, break your spirit and possesses you.
Provocation can also lead to a vengeful or evil spirit, entity, devil, demon, being attaching itself to you, influencing, controlling and possessing you.
I have already read Darren Evans & Tim Woods/Celina Summers books about them using a Ouija Board invoking ZOZO and them encountering one or multiple shapeshifting entities or beings, devils, demons, or various types of entities that use the moniker/title ZOZO.
It has multiple alias, guises, forms that it manifests or shows itself as, I don't think it is just one demon, it is a legion of demonic entities, or shapeshifting, interdimensional beings that are otherworldly, not human, but they are malicious, spiritually, physically harmful, their intentions are sinister, evil, in nature, context, or intent.
The fact that Zozo has the intention to rape women, kill their baby and take the soul of the baby, to possesses a animal when asked to do that should be enough of a warning to not fuck with this particular demon, or any other devil, demon, or legion of demonic entities unless you know what you are doing and you have experience.
Hopefully people will learn and understand to never underestimate the power control, influence or what any type of demonic entity, beings are truly capable of.
Anneliese Michel was a German teenager when she was exhibiting very bizarre and inexplicable behaviour, nothing can fully explain her being in a inexplicable tance while at school in front of her classmates.
She had no recollection of being in a trance, or of what happened to her.
She did had grand mal seizures, which is caused by Epilepsy could have attributed to Anneliese experiencing paralysis, but sleep paralysis could also explain that as well, there is a scientific and spiritual aspect that explains it.
Antidepressants and antipsychotic medication lower the seizure threshold in the rain, so Aneliese Mhel would have been more likely to have seizures due to her medication for depression.
Stress, anxiety, irregular meals which would cause very low blood sugar level, lack of sleep would contribute to Anneliese suffering from Epilepsy, it would have made it worse as well.
The fact that Anneliese had tonsilitis, which then lead to pneumonia and tuberculosis also didn't help.
Nothing fully proves or disproves Anneliese Michel being possessed, nothing fully explains the male voices that can be heard in the recordings of her many exorcisms either.
It's really sad, that she died due to malnutrition, lack of food or water, and underlying health conditions, I truly believe that Anneliese Michel was possessed, I think she did have Epilepsy as well.