Cover 5

Disney Manga

Disney Manga

Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: Special Collectors Manga



Average rating3


When you try to help someone but they just don't get what you're desperately trying to say

Jack Skellington: Sally! I need your help most of all.

Sally: You certainly do, Jack. I've had the most horrible vision!

Jack Skellington: That's splendid!

★★★☆☆ 3,5 Stars for this pretty visiual adaption of the most wonderful Halloween movie

You can find my review on my blog Bookboners as well

I received a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I love Nightmare before Christmas, it's such a wonderful movie that doesn't get any less beautiful no matter how often you see it! So, of you're I had to request this manga version of it.

Eagerly, I started reading it as soon as I downloaded the secure ePub version. And was promptly disappointed. For a few minutes I thought that the Mangaka had made the scenes really confusing until I realized that whoever made it into an online version couldn't be bothered to just let you click from left to right. No, they wanted to preserve the feeling of reading a manga, which is simply annyoing as hell. I have read mangas, you don't need to show me their way even in an electronic version, you don't need to make my life more difficult and make me scroll to the “end” just to start reading it.

But I forgot, that's how next to all mangas are handled I received via Netgalley so this is basically me whining about all ePub mangas so far. Don't let me get started on the resolution of them mangas.

Anyway, let's get to the actual story! The illustrations were pretty, there is no doubt about that. The manga is very pleasing to the eye.

The overall story was also nicely done and easy to follow, but. But! Nightmare before Christmas has such beautiful lines and they are simply missing. Well, not exactly missing they are alluded to, parts of it get spoken or used but slightly changed. And I don't know how that would influence copyright and stuff but I found it rather disappointing.

All in all it is a nice read and if you or your friend love the movie it's a nice thing to have on your shelf but it honestly didn't life up to my expectations.